We were recently asked by a client to help assess and pick an expenses solution for their business. The business has about 200 people although probably about half of those don’t really travel or incur expenses regularly, and some of the people are based outside of the UK. Our client wanted a solution that enforced policy and improved compliance with receipt collection and VAT recovery. The project was borne out of an earlier piece of work we did for them on their non pay-rolled expenses to calculate and report their tax and class 1 liabilities. Having identified the options we negotiated the terms of the contract on behalf of our client. Implementation of the project is nearing completion and the system in now partially live and intended to be fully live by the end of the month. The cost of the project will be covered multiple times over by the savings in VAT recoverable and tax and class 1 NI.
Our short list went down to two providers, but in the end we chose Webexpenses over Concur on the basis of pricing transparency. Concur did offer a little more functionality but their pricing model in unfathomable and this was, quite rightly a significant concern for our client.